Cell therapy is the future of human health.

From healing simple skin wounds to biomanufacturing organs.
Unfortunately, it’s not scalable.
And millions worldwide are dying because of it, predominantly in emerging countries.
For Diabetic patients, this is a life-threatening crisis.
500+ million diabetics at risk worldwide.
At-risk of chronic wounds and Diabetic Foot Ulcers.
125+ million chronic wounds.
Cuts as small as a papercut ending in amputation or death.
10+ million people die every year.
Because they can’t afford advanced treatment.
$966+ B in Global Healthcare Expenditures
The average cost for healing a chronic wound is from US$30-45K in the US. Patients can spend between 45-75 minutes in an Operating Room.
SOURCE: IDF Global Diabetes Atlas

It’s time for change.
We are here to make advanced therapies globally accessible.